Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The West Wing and Beyond

It's not every week that a former personal assistant to the President spends a week in the office, but that's what we had for about the last week. Ok, Ok, so she was the personal assistant to the imaginary President, but for those of us who spent 7 years in Aaron Sorkin's fantasyland, it was just like it. Kathryn Joosten, AKA Mrs Landingham, personal assistant to POTUS Josiah Bartlett. See a little video here: http://my.barackobama.com/page/community/post/michaelpipe/Cg25

If you look carefully, you can see me doing apparently nothing on the right side of the first shot. My hair's bleached, for those of you who haven't seen me in a while.

It's always nice when celebrities turn out to be decent, down to earth folks. The best moments were when Kathy scolded one of us. Mrs. Landingham, in the hizzy.
Discussing a midday, weekday canvass:

Graves: "Who can go out with us in the middle of a weekday? What is this, the senior, unemployed, deadbeat, actor/writer canvass?"

Kathy (looking over her glasses): "Well, once I'm done being an old, unemployed, deadbeat actor/writer, I'll go back to work in Hollywood and make tons and tons of money." Grin.

(Please note, this is a very inaccurate transcript. The statements made above are reconstructed, and any resemblance to actual conversation are purely coincidental)

But really, what's important is that there's finally something happening. And I don't mean the DMR poll http://www.desmoinesregister.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071231/NEWS09/71231044)

or about Kucinich's semi-endorsement http://www.cbsnews.com/blogs/2008/01/01/politics/horserace/entry3664667.shtml

I am in fact talking about the reality that, in a very short time, we will have an actual vote. Well, not really a vote. A result, though. I don't know when exactly you'll be reading this, so I won't say how many hours or days it is. I'll just let you see for yourself: http://www.barackobama.com/flash/iowacountdown.swf

Come 48 hours from the moment at which I commit this to paper, someone will have been declared a winner.

If you want to know who it should be, and you somehow haven't decided yet, please, go here. Hell, go here anyway.

If you're still thinking about voting for someone else, I'm very, very sorry.