The inanimate object I really miss is my old shower. It was a two headed monster. The year I moved in, I replaced one head with one of those removable, multi-setting things. I never had a cold side in that thing. I know I moved to the desert and all, but the problem isn't the water pressure or the guilt in taking too long a shower, the problem is that my shower here sucks. Maybe I'll go buy a new head. I'm gonna need good showers if I'm getting up at 7:30am every day. I know, I know, that's like an hour or two late to some of you, but I haven't had to be up before noon with any regularity in three or four years.
Open space is deceiving. From the exit gate of our development (which comes equipped with unarmed guards) I can see the strip, and across most of the valley. I'm so used to being blocked by hills or trees that I figure if I can see it (and it's not a mountain) it's gotta be close. 20 minutes later, I still hadn't gotten where I was going. Side streets are four lanes, arterials are six. Actually, the arterials are wider than the highway often enough. And the developments end abruptly against the desert, with only five foot cinderblock walls to keep out the chaos of undeveloped land. After Boston, and even Seattle, the site of an undeveloped swath is a strange thing.
And in fifty two minutes and counting, I'll be walking in to my new gig. Guess I better get dressed. It's a strange feeling, starting something completely new. It's been a really long time. Here's hoping...