Thursday, November 15, 2007

5:18 AM

It's 5:18am. I'm about to brush my teeth. I was at work 18 hours yesterday, and today'll be more like 20. It's about as big as a day gets around here. Our big chance to shine. I won't go into details, but suffice to say it's a big enough operation to, well, let's just say it's big. Watch CNN, kids. Today I get to be one very small part of one very big movement.

When I went downstairs to eat my cereal I saw the most recent Newsweek. It's got that tacky tie-dye look, and Bobby and Tricky Dick and Martin and all that, and it says "1968: The Year that made us Who We Are."

1968 may have made my parents, but it didn't make me. And it may have helped make the world we live in, but it's not gonna get us out of the mess we're living. Let's get past it. Let's fight the fight we've got now, 'cause if 1968 is still what makes us who we are, we're all going down.